The raging merciless fire in wilderness by human or nature burning shelter of animals, natural resources etc. is called wildfire. Wildfire scorched the whole land in ashes damaging soil fire coming from it causes pollution and contribute in increasing global warming.
A single piece of fire may cause this disaster to happen in the forest that’s why we have to be extra careful in forest or wildlife are to not make such a mistake. Natural lighting is the main source of wildfire if strike to dry branch or leave the fire will spread all over the place learning a trail of destruction. The outgoing of amateur people going to camping while not knowing even the basic of camping have high chances of causing wildfire in the forest resulting in massive damage of natural resources and wildlife resources. Someone mischief or prank without fully knowing the effect of act to ignite fire in the wild is also a well-known cause of wild fire areas around volcano always have risks of encountering with many natural disaster and wildfire is one of the obvious ones you can see. Wildfire poses harm for the agriculture also as it destroys vegetation and food chain necessary to maintain animal farmed crop farm. There are different diseases it can cause for human health like inhaling of air aside wildfire can damage the trunks if not taken precaution quickly the person can even die if the caught up in fire. The rare wild animals or resources that can only be found in that certain area are guarantee to extinct in the event of wildfire. Air around that disaster land will be toxic for a while killing the remaining spares one staying in that place in the worst possible scenario there will be loss of human lives human property extermination of wild tribes damage to surrounding elements.
We can deduce from all that single misstep is enough to call forth the natural disaster making humanity suffer huge amount of loses an wildfire caring going onwards forest of something similar to prevent this disaster.